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Benefits of Stretching

Content by: Lee Agbohlah, Kinesiology and Exercise Science

A consistent stretching routine is vital to increase flexibility and decrease the risk for injury during exercise. Read the article to learn more about the benefits of stretching as well as a few ideas for dynamic and static stretches.

Benefits of Stretching


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Stretching is an important step to increasing your flexibility. Flexibility plays an important part in functional movement, and lack of flexibility can increase your risk for injury.

Over time your flexibility will decrease, so it's important to have a consistent stretching routine. A consistent stretching routine takes no more than 15 mins each day. Consistent stretching has shown to improve flexibility, significantly.

🙆🏽 What is Dynamic Stretching?

● Dynamic stretching increases your range of motion with active movement.
● It is the preferred stretching to warm-up your muscles for workouts and athletic movements.
● To avoid injury, take your time when stretching and allow your muscles to warm up.

🧘🏽 What is Static Stretching?

● Static stretching increases range of motion through a static hold.
● Static stretching is improves overall flexibility and after workouts to help with soreness.
● Move into the static stretch slowly and maintain the position until you relax.

NOTE: Pain is not gain! If it hurts, then back off of the stretch. Approach the stretch more slowly and deliberately. Stretches should offer the feeling a relief with tight muscles, not soreness.

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