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Dining In Guide for Kidney Patients

Content by: Jamie Rinaldi RD LD

Eating with Kidney Disease can be a challenge! Find this brochure of renal friendly foods (and some not so friendly foods) to keep on hand in the pantry.

Dining In Guide for Kidney Patients


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Learning to select the right foods makes a difference in the way a person experiences Kidney Disease. Use this list of "good" and "not so good" foods to guide you on your next grocery store run.

Quick Tips!

1. Review and consider good selections.
2. Use the Recipe App on SoulFIRE Health to find options.

Macronutrient Myths

Protein, Carbohydrates (Carbs), and Fats! There is so much out on the Internet. How do you sort through the facts and the fiction surrounding macronutrients?

Macronutrient Myths

Breaking the Inflammation Cycle

Chronic inflammation may be creating or further provoking physical and mental health problems. And, there is a connection with gut health. Find out how to break the inflammation cycle.

Breaking the Inflammation Cycle

Tips for Preventing High Blood Pressure

💡 Hypertension

6 quick tips for preventing high blood pressure.

Tips for Preventing High Blood Pressure 💡 Hypertension

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