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Eating for Gut Health

Content by: Erin (Nugent) Bern, RD

Focusing eating for Gut Health can help to restore balance to your gut microbiome and promote an optimal environment for the “good bacteria” to thrive. Click to learn more!

Eating for Gut Health


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Probiotics are the “good bacteria” that live in the gut. Individuals can promote a diverse gut microbiome by consuming probiotics in their diet. Probiotics are widely available in everyday foods. Look for fermented foods: yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, miso, kimchi and more

Prebiotics are the fuel that feeds probiotics. Resistant starches travel through the digestive tract and become fermented by the probiotics. Prebiotic foods include a wide variety of high fiber foods, such as oats, beans, lentils, rice, potatoes. A variety of fruits and vegetables should also be consumed as a source of prebiotics as well as an abundance of other health benefits.

Great Tip!

It is important to hydrate when increasing the amount of fiber in the diet to reduce any GI discomfort and promote regularity.

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