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Flu Prevention

Content by: NCES, Inc.

Tis' the season... FLU SEASON. Spread healthy tips instead of the flu. Use this free download with easy tips to stay healthy during flu season and manage the spreading of germs. Share with others, try creating a social media campaign around staying healthy during flu season.

Flu Prevention


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Check out and print BOTH graphics in the download above to pick the style that best suits you and your clients!

Quick Tips!
1. Perfect the "Sleeve Sneeze"
2. Catch your cough
3. Tissues are a "one and done" item
4. Wash your hands often
5. Wash away cell phone germs
6. Stay at home with 99 degree temperature
7. Consume plenty of Vitamin C

Nutrition Terms Cheat Sheet

Download this cheat to keep on your phone or print a hard copy to keep in your wallet/purse every time you run to the grocery store. This list of nutrition terms will help you to read food labels like a pro!

Nutrition Terms Cheat Sheet

Holiday Season Tips

Follow a few of these holiday party tricks to help you build your plate and navigate the buffet table or the drink station without regrets. Tips for individuals watching what they eat, for someone with diabetes or managing high blood pressure! 💡...

Holiday Season Tips

Diabetes Meal Planning

There are multiple approaches to planning an appropriate diet. Use this article and slideshow to educate others on the different options for meal planning and carbohydrate counting for patients with diabetes.

Diabetes Meal Planning

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