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Flu Prevention

Content by: NCES, Inc.

Tis' the season... FLU SEASON. Spread healthy tips instead of the flu. Use this free download with easy tips to stay healthy during flu season and manage the spreading of germs. Share with others, try creating a social media campaign around staying healthy during flu season.

Flu Prevention


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Check out and print BOTH graphics in the download above to pick the style that best suits you and your clients!

Quick Tips!
1. Perfect the "Sleeve Sneeze"
2. Catch your cough
3. Tissues are a "one and done" item
4. Wash your hands often
5. Wash away cell phone germs
6. Stay at home with 99 degree temperature
7. Consume plenty of Vitamin C

Kids: Build A Healthy Plate

Reinforce good eating with kids! This FUN activity of printable coloring sheets and a presentation is used in helping kids learn to build a healthy plate. Ages 6-10.

Kids: Build A Healthy Plate

Heart Disease Prevention

Help identify foods that can offer optimal nutrients to control weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Heart Disease Prevention

Heart Healthy Nutrition

There are several risk factors responsible for the high rates of heart disease in the United states. Some can be controlled, and some are simply genetic. Working with a professional to establish how many calories an individual needs per day is t...

Heart Healthy Nutrition

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