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Food & Mood: Are they connected?

Content by: NCES, Inc and SoulFIRE Health

Learn more about how your diet effects your mood. A great presentation for Workplace Wellness or other adult discussions.

Food & Mood:  Are they connected?


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Learn how the different foods can have a negative or positive impact on mood. The following Objectives are covered in this slide presentation:

● Understand how food affects Mood and Energy Levels
● The role of essential Vitamins
● The role of Vitamin D
● The impact of fats, starches and sugars
● Understanding sugar and caffeine
● Understanding the impact of the gut
● Understand Immune Boosters
● Identify foods that create a “Vibe” for mood and energy

The Importance of Professional Support for Young Athletes

Sports nutrition is very important, especially for young athletes. Studies show that high school and college athletes need the help of a professional. Discover how you can extend your reach and support the nutrition needs of more young athletes!

The Importance of Professional Support for Young Athletes

Protein & Energy Needs: Male Athletes

Male athletes often want to build body mass. To meet this goal, the body requires both protein and carbs...Read more!

Protein & Energy Needs: Male Athletes

Protein for Young Male Athletes

What is necessary to "bulk up"? Review this basic guide for the amount of protein necessary in your diet to increase muscle mass.

Protein for Young Male Athletes

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