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General Exercise: Exercise is Essential

Content by: NCES, Inc.

Being Physically Active is Important! Use these definitions as a guide.

General Exercise:  Exercise is Essential


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Sedentary – a lifestyle that includes only the light physical activity that is common with day-to-day life.

Active – a lifestyle that includes physical activity equivalent to walking more than 3 miles per day at 3 to 4 miles per hour, in addition to the light physical activity that is common with day-to-day life. Are you getting enough?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations!
For health benefits get at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity on most days. To prevent unhealthy weight gain, get 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity on most days. To lose or maintain weight loss get 60-90 minutes moderate to vigorous physical activity daily.

Examples of Moderate Physical Activity:
Walk — 3.5 miles per hour
Bike — 10 miles per hour
Golfing – walking and carrying your clubs
Pilates or yoga
Lift weights – general light workout

Examples of Vigorous Physical Activity:
Running/jogging — 5 miles per hour
Biking — greater than 10 miles per hour
Swimming (freestyle laps)
Walking 4.5 miles per hour
Weight lifting (vigorous effort)
Heavy yard work — such as chopping wood

Quick Tips!

Your 30- 60 minutes does not have to be all at once! Three to six 10 minute activity breaks throughout the day can add up.

Pick a time and activity that is best for you. Activities that do not increase your heart rate, such as walking while shopping, do not count towards the 30 minutes or more.

Next Steps:

1. Find small ways to increase your daily activity level.
2. Use a pedometer and shoot for 10,000 or more steps a day.
3. Park at the end of the lot and walk.
4. Take the stairs.
5. Walk in place when you are on a long phone conversation.

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