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Goal Setting

Content by: Lee Agbohlah, BS in Kinesiology and Exercise Science

Goals are meant to be accomplished. Read and watch! This short video helps you learn more about SMART goals. Set yourself up for success.

Goal Setting


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Setting goals in life isn't a new idea, but have you thought about how goals can play into your health and wellness?

When starting a new health or fitness journey, it is important to have an end goal in mind. Strive to achieve and push yourself to always do better. You can be your best at every age or with any conditions. But, accomplishing your goals doesn’t happen by just thinking about them. Define what you can adopt in your life, and you are more likely to be successful.

🎯 Setting your goals with a clear, specific outcome.
Align goals with your overall vision. If you set a goal without being specific, it will be hard to track your actual progress and to celebrate your accomplishments. Your goals need to be something you really want. Goals will come up short when you don’t really want to achieve each enough to keep pushing for change in your life.

⏰ Use measurable metrics to record your progress.
Fancy tools are not required. Simply recording notes weekly can help you track your progress. There are tools that will enhance the process by tracking more detailed measures of success. Measure and celebrate mini goals on your way to your main goal.

📆 Put a timeline on reaching the goal.
When considering the time frame, you need to be realistic. That is not to suggest that you set goals too low, because it will be easy to accomplish. But, it's also not beneficial to set impossible goals either. Work with a healthy coach and consider carefully what is actually achievable.

🎊 Find goals within your goals!
Celebrate your mini accomplishments along the way.
By tracking your progress, celebrate achievement and make adjustments when needed. This will help to prevent reduce frustration.

How do you align your goals with your mindset?
✓ Write down your goals and read them when you wake up and before you go to bed.
✓ Create a vision board to store your goals.
✓ Visualize your future self accomplishing your goals.
✓ Journal your positive experiences on your goal timeline.
✓ Stay focused on YOUR goals and don’t compare to others.

You have the power to accomplish any goal, now believe it!

Next Steps: Create a 'SMART' goal by asking yourself these questions:

Specific: What do I want to accomplish?
Measurable: how will I know when it is accomplished?
Achievable: How can the goal be accomplished?
Relevant: Does this seem worthwhile?
Time: When can I accomplish this goal?

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