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Meals in Minutes

Content by: NCES, Inc.

Life gets really busy, but convenience foods are generally less healthy. Take time to plan and prepare meals that are healthy, delicious and easy to eat on the run...Read More!

Meals in Minutes


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Yes, we are all busy, but we also must eat healthy, nourishing meals. Download by clicking ⬇️ above.

Use his planner to help you in the weekly routine of planning and daily activities of preparation. Look for healthy substitutes to your normal routine. And, don't forget, fixing extra saves times and offers great leftovers as part of the plan!

Quick Tips!

Did you know? SoulFIRE Health offers the ability to search more than 300,000 recipes, based on food preferences, dietary interests and more! Look for it in the SoulFIRE Health Apps section.

The Importance of Professional Support for Young Athletes

Sports nutrition is very important, especially for young athletes. Studies show that high school and college athletes need the help of a professional. Discover how you can extend your reach and support the nutrition needs of more young athletes!

The Importance of Professional Support for Young Athletes

Protein & Energy Needs: Male Athletes

Male athletes often want to build body mass. To meet this goal, the body requires both protein and carbs...Read more!

Protein & Energy Needs: Male Athletes

Protein for Young Male Athletes

What is necessary to "bulk up"? Review this basic guide for the amount of protein necessary in your diet to increase muscle mass.

Protein for Young Male Athletes

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