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Mealtime Mania: Make time for Breakfast!

Content by: NCES, Inc.

You’ve heard it before. Yes, breakfast is still the most important meal of the day! Whether you start your day at 7:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m., you need to fuel your body and jump-start your day.

Mealtime Mania:  Make time for Breakfast!


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Breakfast Boredom Busters!
- Fruit smoothie
- Leftovers such as pizza, spaghetti, mac & cheese
- Turkey sandwich
- Pita pocket with scrambled eggs and salsa

Tried and True Breakfast Greats!
- Cereal and fat-free milk
- Oatmeal with fresh fruit
- Scrambled egg/boiled egg and whole-wheat toast
- Low-fat yogurt
- Breakfast burrito
- Whole wheat bagel or English muffin with peanut butter
- Waffle or pancakes

Hard to wake up in time for breakfast? Here are some great breakfast ideas that you can take with you almost anywhere.
- Granola bar
- String cheese and baby carrots
- Drinkable yogurt smoothie
- Peanut butter & jelly sandwich
- Trail mix (create your own with cereal, raisins, and nuts, etc.)
- Wrap American cheese around a carrot
- Tortilla wrap (take a whole wheat tortilla & your favorite veggies, lean mean - great creative)

Great Tips!

When planning your breakfast, try to get at least three different food groups. For example, have a bowl of cereal with milk and a banana (Grains, Milk & Fruit groups) or a slice of leftover cheese pizza with 4-oz glass of 100% orange juice (Grain, Milk, Vegetable and Fruit).

Next Steps.

To get yourself up and going, have a glass of low-fat or fat-free milk or soy milk which comes in yummy flavors. If choosing soy milk make sure it’s calcium fortified.

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