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Nutrition and Campus Life

Content by: NCES, Inc.

Proper nutrition is vital, and young adults need coaching the first time out on their own... Click for more information and a FREE download!

Nutrition and Campus Life


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Did you know?
A healthy diet will boost your immune system!

Next Steps:
1. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods.
2. Drink 8-10 cups of water each day.
3. Eat healthy fats.
4. Limit your salt intake.
5. Limit your sugar intake.
6. Avoid eating out too often.
7. Reach out for help.

Dietary Tips for the Athlete

The sports diet requires a commitment for managing intake to meet activity levels. Learn more...

Dietary Tips for the Athlete

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Drinking enough fluids to replace sweat losses is essential for top athletic performance. For most exercisers, water satisfies the body’s needs. For very sweaty athletes, consuming sports drinks during exercise helps delay dehydration and boost en...

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Fluids, Hydration & Thirst Quenchers for Athletes

To be able to perform at your best, drink enough fluids to replace your sweat losses. Learn more about fluid replacement!

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