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Nutrition and Campus Life

Content by: NCES, Inc.

Proper nutrition is vital, and young adults need coaching the first time out on their own... Click for more information and a FREE download!

Nutrition and Campus Life


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Did you know?
A healthy diet will boost your immune system!

Next Steps:
1. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods.
2. Drink 8-10 cups of water each day.
3. Eat healthy fats.
4. Limit your salt intake.
5. Limit your sugar intake.
6. Avoid eating out too often.
7. Reach out for help.

Recovery After Intense Exercise

Athletes need to manage intense exercise with a strong nutrition program. Learn the basics of a recovery diet...Read more!

Recovery After Intense Exercise

Breakfast: It's for Champions!

There are many excuses used by athletes for not eating a good breakfast. However, a healthy breakfast is key to performing well. If you have difficult waking up and wanting to eat, here are great tips. Read more!

Breakfast: It's for Champions!

Athletes: Gaining Weight in a Healthy Way

For some athletes, maintaining adequate body weight and composition may be difficult with the workout and performance requirements. Nutrition is key, and balanced nutrition is necessary to meet your weight goals. Learn more!

Athletes: Gaining Weight in a Healthy Way

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