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Obesity Rates are UP! Learn about geographic and cultural challenges...

Content by: Center for Disease Control (CDC)

CDC: The 2019 CDC Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps1 show that obesity remains the PDF on remaining culturally sensitive in disparities.

Obesity Rates are UP!  Learn about geographic and cultural challenges...


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The 2019 CDC Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps1 show that obesity remains high – twelve states now have an adult obesity prevalence at or above 35 percent:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- West Virginia

Combined data from 2017-2019 show notable racial and ethnic disparities:

- Non-Hispanic Black adults had the highest prevalence of self-reported obesity (39.8%), followed by Hispanic adults (33.8%), and non-Hispanic White adults (29.9%).

- 6 states had an obesity prevalence of 35 percent or higher among non-Hispanic White adults.

- 15 states had an obesity prevalence of 35 percent or higher among Hispanic adults.

- 34 states and the District of Columbia (D.C.) had an obesity prevalence of 35 percent or higher among non-Hispanic Black adults.

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