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Shopping on a Budget

Content by: NCES, Inc.

Faced with rising inflation, the importance of budget friendly grocery shopping is important. Review some money saving tips!

Shopping on a Budget


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1️⃣ Plan
▪️ Make a food budget that is realistic for your household.
▪️ Make a weekly meal plan. Shop for one whole week to prevent unnecessary trips to the store.
▪️ Avoid doubling up! Review your chosen recipes and take inventory of your kitchen, before creating a grocery list.
▪️ Prioritize nutritious foods that will make you feel full.
▪️ Organize your meal plan to include recipes with overlapping ingredients.
▪️ Have a plan for leftovers! Incorporate leftovers into other meals or freeze for later use.

2️⃣ Smart Shopping
▪️ Find the best deals! Browse your favorite store’s website and weekly ads to save money.
▫️ If you have one store you use most frequently, consider downloading the app for discounts and rewards.
▪️ Make sure to get a membership card at frequently visited stores. You can get points or earn special discounts.
▪️ Choosing store or generic brands can save up to 10% on your food bill.
▫️ Store brands are usually on the bottom shelves or top shelves. The most expensive items tend to be at eye level.
▪️ Create a meal plan around store sales. Many stores have their layout online.
▪️ Purchase non-perishable items in bulk. Great examples of buying bulk include dry cereal, canned goods, grains and beans.
▪️ Be a smart shopper! Do not purchase sale items, if you usually do not eat those items. Wasted food does not save you money.

3️⃣ Produce
▪️ Shop seasonally.
▪️ Frozen and canned items have a longer shelf life.
▪️ Plan a way to use all purchased produce! Consider freezing excess portions.
▪️ Purchase whole foods. Pre-sliced and prepared items cost extra.

4️⃣ Vary your Proteins
▪️ Meat is often the most expensive ingredient. Look for a sales and freeze unused portions.
▪️ Consider planning at least one meatless day per week.
▪️ In recipes, try replacing half the protein portion with beans or vegetables.
▪️ Canned meats are an affordable, lean protein option.

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