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Vitamin D: Fighting the Winter Blues

Content by: NCES, Inc.

Enjoy this FREE DL on Vitamin D, the Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D:  Fighting the Winter Blues


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Do you know someone that may be experiencing the Winter Blues? Being inside too much during summer months can create challenges for mood disorders in the winter months. It's because our body stores Vitamin D in fat cells in preparation for the winter.

Benefits of Vitamin D:
● Fights depression and the "winter blues"
● Reduces asthma
● Healthy Immune System
● Bone Strength
● Boosts Brain Power
● Cancer Protection
● Heart Health
● Reduces Inflammation
● Improves Sleep

Quick Tips!

Other than being in the sun, it's difficult to get Vitamin D through diet. Foods that contain Vitamin D include:
● Cod liver oil: 1 teaspoon = 453 IU
● Sardines: 3 ounces = 156 IU
● Salmon: 3 ounces = 447 IU
● Mackerel: 3 ounces: 392 IU
● Tuna: 3 ounces = 154 IU
● Egg Yolks: 1 large = 41 IU
● Mushrooms: 1 cup = 6 IU

How to Boost Vitamin D Levels?

● Get Some Sun! ​

Get 10-15 minutes of sunlight on your skin, without sunscreen, between 10 am and 2 pm, when possible. Get just enough to turn your skin slightly pink, but avoid so much that you develop redness.

● Eat More Vitamin D-rich Foods:

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for ages 1-70 is 600 IU’s daily, ages 71 + is 800 IU’s daily. Most people need much higher amounts for optimal health and blood levels.

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