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Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Content by: NCES, Inc.

Vitamin D is critical in a variety of ways and many people struggle in winter months... LEARN MORE!

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin


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Sunlight is life for the body!

Sunlight is how we were designed to get most of our vitamin D. But, plunging temperatures and the need to stay inside, combined with the lower position of the sun during the winter months, makes it hard to get enough UVB radiation for the body to produce sufficient vitamin D. For most parts of the United States, vitamin D made from sunlight exposure is minimal between November-February.

Studies consistently show that vitamin D levels tend to peak in September and are at the lowest in March. By optimizing our vitamin D production from the summertime UVB rays, we can carry some of it into the winter since it's stored in our fat. Unfortunately, many of us spend our summer days working indoors and aren't able to get outside when the UVB rays are at their peak. Consequently, many people don't produce optimal amounts of vitamin D, even during the summer months.

Read the full Blog:

Did you know?
🔅We are somewhat limited on our options for foods that are high in vitamin D since there are very few foods that naturally contain significant amounts.

🔅Seafood is the primary source of dietary vitamin D, but unless you eat a lot of it, often, it's not likely to be enough to meet your needs on its own.

🔅Some of the best food sources of vitamin D are cod liver oil, sardines, salmon, mackerel, tuna, egg yolks, and mushrooms.

Next Steps!
Consult your doctor to be tested, and never take a supplement for vitamin D unless deficiency has been established.

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